We at the Duke InSPIre Lab work on projects and research directions to empower communities to have informed and protective interactions with technologies.
- Shruti Pandey, MS, 2022-2023
- Sparsha Perupalli, MS, 2022-2023
- Rebecca Stern, BS, 2022-2023
- Chase Mathis, BS, 2022-2023
- Yasha Doddabele, BS, 2022-2023
- Sabina Taneja, BS, 2022-2023
- Janis Zhu, BS, 2022-2023
- Song Young Oh, MS, 2022-2023
- Max Murakami-Moses, BS, 2022-2023
- Jennifer Ouyang, BS, 2022-2023
- Alan Wang, BS, 2022-2023
- Ellen Zeng, BS, 2022-2023
- Luke Nam, BS, 2022-2023
- Alan Wang, BS, 2022-2023
- Akshal Jain, BS, 2022-2023
- Alice Hu, BS, 2022-2023