Interdisciplinary Security, Privacy, and Interaction Research Lab
@ Duke University, Computer Science Department
In the InSPIre lab, we are interested in exploring the intersection of people, technology, and policy. Our projects are specifically aimed to empower all people to have secure and informed interactions with technologies.
Recent News
August 2024: Our paper on (un)usable privacy got accepted to PETS 2025.
June 2024: Thomson Reuters Foundation highlighted our research on (lack of) privacy of period tracking post Roe v. Wade.
May 2024: Our paper on Airbnb hosts' practices and attitudes toward guests' privacy got accepted to SOUPS 2024.
April 2024: Jabari received the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship award. Super congratulations!!
April 2024: Pardis received the Google Research Scholar award for 2024-25.
March 2024: Our paper on parents' privacy expectations toward virtual reality got accepted to IEEE S&P 2024. Congratulations, Jessie and Abhinaya!